
To hit the frigates

There are currently six deliver types in activity, three acquired through ISK (the in-game currency) and three available through WebWars cash. The ISK boats are specialized 1 frigates, yachts, and battleships. Frigates price 100 ISK and have 10 HP; Cruisers price 1000 ISK and have 100 HP; and battleships price 30,000 ISK and have 1000 HP. The WebWars Cash boats are specialized 2 frigates, yachts, and battleships, which have a minor HP benefits over their specialized 1 alternatives. Ship damage machines according to size, as well - but it's not all that simple!

Each deliver type has a strength and a weak point. For example, frigates are quickly countered by yachts, which pack more impact than small sized boats. Those same frigates have an benefits against the bigger battleships, whose weapons track too gradually to hit the frigates. It will still take a whole lot of frigates to down a battleship, but it's certainly possible.

Ships are handled through your Area Place, a central web page that lets you manage/buy boats, perspective all of your areas (attacking or defending), perspective your statistics such as earnings per minute and badges, etc. More boats are already in development.

