SOE is offering data for science! In a latest collaboration, SOE shared over 60TB of web host server records from EverQuest II and additional data gathered from a voluntary player survey with a group of academic scientists who wish to use the information to study individual relationships through the game playing atmosphere, relationships between players and Buy WOW Gold how their online networks are built and used, and more.
The web host server records were scrubbed of all PII (Personally Identifiable Information) before being provided to the scientists, such as discuss log material. The group obtained data such as the volume, frequency and census of in-game chatters, but none of this information was linked with the actual names or other PII of any players.
Obviously the underlying objective SOE chose to go the F2P direction is player inhabitants, and on this front side it seems like the organization has succeeded. The starter areas are brimming with players, as is the commonly used Level_1-9 global discuss channel. Using a schedule just like the one applied by my Community Detective columns, I signed into EQ2X at various periods of day and on various periods of the several weeks time to be able to get an concept of the web host server inhabitants via discuss channels and PUGs.
I don't have figures for you, as there's really no way to formally collect them if the publisher doesn't assist, but I can review that the Freeport web host server seems much more booming than the Live hosts (yes, even Antonia Bayle, when loaded with players, pales in comparison). The caveat here is that I haven't advanced beyond level 20, and my travels have thus far been limited to the Greater Faydark, the Commonlands, Darklight Wood, and a brief glimpse of Nek Forest. All of these locations usually featured more players than you see in their Live alternatives.