
Let's say you get into the regular edition

So what can the remedy be? Well, I think that we should make each level of issues its own dungeon. Think about all of the different individual player video games that provide different endings and different volumes of material depending on the issues you choose. Let's take Ulduar. What if there was only one straight line edition of the dungeon for the raid finder that led you straight to Yogg-Saron, you defeat him, and the dungeon is completed appropriate.

Now, let's say you get into the regular edition and complete it with a unique variety of heroic ways. Let's say a few more additional managers are available and the completing is a different battle with Yogg-Saron, with a different completing.

Finally, let's say you did every challenging function manager, after defeat Yogg-Saron you find out any manager, the ultimate way of Yogg-Saron, with an even more complicated issues and the "real ending" of the dungeon. Wouldn't all three choices experience satisfying? If you do it on the LFR issues, then you will experience fulfilled to have been to the dungeon, defeat the ultimate manager, and received your recover the money. If you complete it on regular issues you will see more managers, more recover the money, and an alternate completing to the dungeon's tale. Yet, you're not finished; there is still a objective to execute towards.  However, you still experience as if you have completed the dungeon, providing you a fulfilling experience.

